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Minolta CLE - Horizontal focus adjustment

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<p>Hello everyone,<br>

this is my first post on the forum which I have been constantly visiting for the past few years, but never managed to find a single topic not already covered to start a discussion :) Although maybe that is a wrong approach, but I bet this topic will get me started with posting ;)<br>

Anyways, I have recently acquired a beautiful Minolta CLE with a 40mm Rokkor-M lens (my first M camera and actually my first real rangefinder, yay). I'm testing my first rolls of film these days and will pick them up from the photo store after the weekend.<br>

The only problem with this amazing set (really lightweight and a joy to shoot with) is that my rangefinder is a little bit horizontally miss-aligned. I'm not yet sure what kind of influence (if there is any) it has on the focusing of the photos themselves, but it nonetheless annoys me a bit when shooting.<br>

I have already done some research on the topic and checked some tutorials about opening the CLE, but would like your advice guys on some of the issues.<br>

1/ should I mess with the adjustment if the focus on the photos is spot on? (I'm not very skilled with mechanics, but as i mentioned earlier it annoys me a bit when shooting).<br>

2/ is there a way to adjust the screws without opening the top cover? I've read that the adjustment screw is under the plug on the top, but can the plug be removed (without the danger of damaging it) without opening the cover? I'm asking about the plug marked with a green arrow on the second pic on the tutorial found here: http://www.suaudeau.eu/memo/rep/Minolta_CLE.html<br>

3/ which tools (mainly which screwdrivers, but also anything else) am i going to need in order to do this?<br>

4/ is it likely that I will miss-align the vertical adjustment by adjusting the horizontal? Because then I will have to open the top cover anyways...<br>

5/ Which distances should i go for when adjusting? I've also read somewhere that adjusting infinity doesn't necessarily work for smaller distances (1m etc.). Someone mentioned that it would be wise to adjust for 1m or 10m.<br>


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<p>Warning, your French tutorial technician broke the advance lever "pan screw" (one can see the severed shaft of the screw still lodged in the transport shaft). He must <strong>not have</strong> much experience in tearing one of these down if he forgot that the direction was "left-thread"...<br /> <br /> <strong>1/</strong> <em>should I mess with the adjustment if the focus on the photos is spot on? </em><br /> <strong>If it ain't broke, don't fix it. </strong><br /> <strong>Adjusting one of these is very frustrating. It lacks a positive feel and acts as a fragile mechanism.</strong><br /> <br /><strong>2/</strong> <em>is there a way to adjust the screws without opening the top cover? I've read that the adjustment screw is under the plug on the top, but can the plug be removed (without the danger of damaging it) without opening the cover?</em><br /> <em><strong>Yes, some "gorilla tape" can hold on to the little cap sufficiently to "pop" it out.</strong></em><br /> <br /><strong>3/</strong> <em>which screwdrivers, but also anything else) am i going to need in order to do this?</em><br /> <em><strong>A small flat head screw driver and tweezers to deliver the MEK solvent to the <em><em><strong>"gear-ring"in order to </strong></em></em>release the Loctite.</strong></em><br /> <br /><strong>4/</strong> <em>is it likely that I will miss-align the vertical adjustment by adjusting the horizontal? <strong>Yes. </strong></em><br /> <em>Because then I will have to open the top cover anyways...<strong>No; this is where one gets frustrated. You will continue to seek the happy medium through the access hole...</strong></em><br /> <br /><strong>5/</strong> <em>Which distances should i go for when adjusting? <strong>Infinity only. </strong></em><br /> <em>I've also read somewhere that adjusting infinity doesn't necessarily work for smaller distances (1m etc.). <strong>Wrong. </strong></em><br /> <em>Someone mentioned that it would be wise to adjust for 1m or 10m. <em><strong>Wrong. Unless someone completely tampered with other RF adjustments, just deal with the "gear-ring" and the "floor-screw"(#1).</strong></em></em></p>

<p><strong>IMHO</strong>, if it's just a little bit off, leave it alone !<br /> Even as a paid technician, I've gotten in trouble many times with CLE units as <strong>I had to chase</strong> the perfect RF adjustment. (Again, very frustrating)<br /> <a name="pagebottom"></a></p>

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Thank you very much for the fast reply!<br>

I'm going to leave as it is until a have my negatives back and if the difference is not notable, I'll get used to the miss-alignment. It's a slight offset, and I hope the hyperfocal distance is going to take care of it.<br>

P.S. Does it take to remove the Loctite for screw adjustment, or only to release the gear for vertical adjustment? (just in case the camera is unusable this way)<br>


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  • 2 weeks later...
<p>Do yourself a favour, send it to a reliable repair technician. Here in the States I have used DAG Camera. Don Goldberg is top notch and he has worked on my CLE many years ago. Another, though I have never used her, just by word of mouth, is Sherry Krauter at Golden Touch, but not sure if she will touch a CLE. If you are not adept at mechanical devices, leave it alone, you will only muck things up.</p>
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