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  1. Minox


    Spent a few days in the countryside. The rain is incessant and is very cold. My intended trips to the hills surrounding this village are not going to materialize, so I read, rest and read. And started the backyard oven, old style. I watched the birth of the minute flame and helped it become a roaring fire. It was a good feeling, it was rewarding somehow. I called upon the fire to be my mate that day, to talk to me about warmth and sun and beautiful days ahead. Felt better, felt recharged, felt like the cold rain wasn't even there anymore. The fire is now old, only a few embers are still flickering through the ashes. Not young anymore, not yet gone. One could say that it outlived its purpose, but all it takes is a faint breeze to bring it back to life. In the end, it is no more, and it goes where all good fires go when they go. Rain is falling cold and, with a smile, I fondly remember the moments when that little fire was a promising roaring one, with so much to give and so short a life. Minox IIIs with Rollei 80s.
  2. The long exposure was meant to get me a surreal image of the water and of the city lights beyond. I completely forgot the water was actually waves in motion :) .
  3. Minox C, Agfa APX 100. The Hofburg, Wien
  4. Minox IIIs, Agfa APX 100 @ 1/2 handheld. Budapest, Hungary.
  5. Thank you, Martin, appreciated!
  6. Night on the shores of the Black Sea, Nikkormat FT with Konica VX400 (exp. 2008) and tripod. Long exposure of 1 minute.
  7. All taken with Minox LX and Rollei Retro 80s. Minox tank development, scanned on Plustek.
  8. Taken on and in the vicinity of the famous landmark of the city, Weinbistro and der alten Mainbrücke. A place to stop when you're in the area, coming from or going to the Marienberg. Chilled wine glass, the Main whispering medieval stories from beneath the bridge. Yes, a good day to visit Wurzburg, with a classic camera and bw film. Photographs taken with Leica IIIf and Rollei Retro 80s. The city of Wurzburg, as seen from the Festung Marienberg.
  9. So, between us, we have the proof that Minox visited Knossos at least twice :)
  10. Crete - Knossos ruins MInox IIIs - Agfa APX25
  11. Nikon FM3A, Adox HR50 Taken in one of the vintage cars hall at Sinsheim Technik Museum in Germany. The lights in the corner where this car was were not very strong. I just saw this front of the car jutting out from a corner and took the shot. The camera was on A setting, which gave me a very slow speed, but I like the way it came out. Thank you !
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